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Best practices


Since docker determines by the hash of a command whether this particular layer needs rebuilding, you should, wherever possible, specify the version of the library that you are installing. That way, whenever you upgrade a library, that layer (and all subsequent ones) will get rebuilt. The added bonus is that you will not accidentally rebuild the image with a newer version of a library at a later stage that may now be incompatible with all the others (Yeah, I'm looking at you, numpy!).

So instead of:

RUN python3 -m pip install --no-cache-dir numpy && \

You should do something like this:

RUN python3 -m pip install --no-cache-dir numpy==1.17.4 && \

Of course, when you are cloning directly from a github repository, because you require a specific bugfix or the library does not offer any releases (or only very infrequent), then you should use a specific commit hash in your command:

RUN git clone && \
    cd REPO && \
    git reset --hard 11223344556677889900AABBCCDDEEFF11223344 && \

Docker group#

Instead of running the docker command via sudo, you should consider adding your user to the docker group instead (in /etc/group). That way, you can run the docker command as a regular user.

Launch container as regular user#

Once development of your docker image has finished, you should avoid running docker containers as the root user and instead run it as the current user (which also avoids creating output files in volumes that can only be removed by root).

Use the -u and -e command to specify the user/group IDs and the user name as follows:

docker run -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -e USER=$USER ...

However, the environment variables for you command prompt (when you are using your container in interactive mode) may not be able to handle this properly. In such a case you will get output similar to this:

groups: cannot find name for group ID XYZ
I have no name!@c7355d9a1b59:/$ 

You can rectify this by creating a custom bash.bashrcfile using the docker-banner-gen library (which not only outputs a nice banner, but also warns you in case you are running the container as root).

This custom file can then be added to your docker image using the following command:

COPY bash.bashrc /etc/bash.bashrc

No Anaconda#

Instead of using Anaconda for installing Python packages, you can just use plain pip to install packages from the Python Package Index. Anaconda in itself is quite a large installation and will increase the overall docker image size unnecessarily.

Clean up pip#

Remove the pip cache to reduce the size of your layer after you have installed all your packages:

rm -Rf /root/.cache/pip

Alternatively, do not cache downloads when installing a package:

pip install --no-cache-dir ...

Clean up apt#

After performing installs via apt or apt-get, clean up the cache to reduce the size of your layer:

apt-get clean && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

Caching models#

As soon as you stop/remove the container, all modifications will be lost. This also includes any pretrained networks that any of the deep learning frameworks downloaded into its cache. In order to avoid the constant downloads, you can map the cache directories for the relevant framework to a local directory on the host:


  • when running the container as root:

    -v /some/where/cache:/root/.torch \

  • when running the container as regular user:

    -v /some/where/cache:/.torch \


  • Map the cache directory (/root/.keras) when running container as root:

    -v /some/where/cache:/root/.keras

  • Or when running as regular user (/tmp/.keras):

    -v /some/where/cache:/tmp/.keras