General PDF support requires the image-dataset-converter-pdf library.
Extract images from PDF files#
The pipeline below extracts any images from the PDF files and places them in the output directory:
idc-convert \
-l INFO \
from-pdf \
-l INFO \
-i ./input/*.pdf \
-t od \
to-data \
-o ./output
Object detection overlay example#
Additional image-dataset-converter library for generating the overlays: image-dataset-converter-imgvis
PDF generation#
The following pipeline loads predictions in OPEX format, filters out any annotations that are not of type car
or truck
generates overlays of bounding boxes with label/score and creates a PDF from these:
idc-convert \
-l INFO \
--force_batch \
from-opex-od \
-l INFO \
-i ./predictions \
filter-labels \
-l INFO \
--labels car truck \
add-annotation-overlay-od \
--outline_alpha 255 \
--outline_thickness 1 \
--fill \
--fill_alpha 128 \
--vary_colors \
--font_size 10 \
--text_format "{label}: {score}" \
--text_placement T,L \
--force_bbox \
to-pdf \
-l INFO \
-o ./output/vehicles.pdf \
-t --image_scale=-1