SpeciesNet 4.0.1 Docker images available

First Docker images are available for the SpeciesNet network that Google announced on March 3rd, 2025:

Below is an example on how to use these images (on Linux or on Windows under WSL2).


  • create a directory for your output eg "speciesnet"

  • in that directory create the following sub-directories

    • cache

    • config

    • data

    • output

Processing data:

  • copy the images that you want to analyze into the "speciesnet/data" directory

  • from the "speciesnet" directory launch the appropriate docker image in interactive mode

    • CPU:

      docker run --rm --gpus=all --shm-size 8G --net=host \
        -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -e USER=$USER \
        -v `pwd`:/workspace \
        -v `pwd`/cache:/.cache \
        -v `pwd`/config:/.config \
        -v `pwd`/cache:/.torch \
        -it waikatodatamining/speciesnet:4.0.1_cpu
    • CUDA:

      docker run --rm --gpus=all --shm-size 8G --net=host \
        -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -e USER=$USER \
        -v `pwd`:/workspace \
        -v `pwd`/cache:/.cache \
        -v `pwd`/config:/.config \
        -v `pwd`/cache:/.torch \
        -it waikatodatamining/speciesnet:4.0.1_cuda21.1
  • run the following script to process your images:

    speciesnet_run_model \
        --folders "/workspace/data" \
        --predictions_json "/workspace/output/predictions.json"

Or, if you want to run the individual steps separately:

speciesnet_run_model --detector_only \
    --folders "/workspace/data" \
    --predictions_json "/workspace/output/detections.json"
speciesnet_run_model --classifier_only \
    --folders "/workspace/data" \
    --detections_json "/workspace/output/detections.json" \
    --predictions_json "/workspace/output/classifications.json"
speciesnet_run_model --ensemble_only \
    --folders "/workspace/data" \
    --detections_json "/workspace/output/detections.json" \
    --classifications_json "/workspace/output/classifications.json" \
    --predictions_json "/workspace/output/predictions.json"

On your host system, the "speciesnet/output" directory will then contain the generated .json file(s), with "predictions.json" containing all the relevant information (classification and bbox).

For more information on the json output format:


S3000 Python support

Our commercial offering for environmental laboratories, S3000, now has official support for custom Python models. Being a Java application, S3000 historically relied on Weka for its modeling. However, with the integration of Jep (Java Embedded Python) in ADAMS, it is now possible to use scikit-learn or deep learning libraries for training models and making predictions.

In order to make this work, ADAMS needs to launch from the context of an activated virtual Python environment that contains all the required Python libraries and then use the JepRegressor Weka meta-classifier to define the relevant code for training and making predictions. Due to Java serialization not being applicable to Python objects, these scripts must implement the relevant serialization/deserialization themselves, e.g., via pickle.

image-dataset-converter release

A new release of our image-dataset-converter-all library is now available: 0.0.7. Docker images have been deployed as well.

The most notably changes are:

image-dataset-converter release

A new release of our image-dataset-converter-all library is now available: 0.0.6. Docker images have been deployed as well.

The most notably changes are:

  • using 90% as default quality for JPEG images now as a good compromise between quality and size (PIL uses 75% by default), this can be overridden with environment variable IDC_JPEG_QUALITY

  • added methods to idc.api module: jpeg_quality(), array_to_image(...), empty_image(...)

  • numpy is limited to <2.0.0 to avoid issues with the imgaug library

Website revamped

Long overdue, but finally here: the revamp of our data-mining.co.nz website is now finally done!

With a refreshed look, better navigation and more information than ever.

Yolov10 Docker images available

Docker images for the latest Yolov10 code base are now available.

The code used by the docker images is available from here:


The tags for the images are as follows:

  • In-house registry:

    • public.aml-repo.cms.waikato.ac.nz:443/pytorch/pytorch-yolov10:2024-06-23_cuda11.7

    • public.aml-repo.cms.waikato.ac.nz:443/pytorch/pytorch-yolov5:2022-11-05_cpu

  • Docker hub:

    • waikatodatamining/pytorch-yolov10:2024-06-23_cuda11.7

    • waikatodatamining/pytorch-yolov5:2022-11-05_cpu

The tutorial on object detection is available from here:
