SpeciesNet 4.0.1 Docker images available

First Docker images are available for the SpeciesNet network that Google announced on March 3rd, 2025:

Below is an example on how to use these images (on Linux or on Windows under WSL2).


  • create a directory for your output eg "speciesnet"

  • in that directory create the following sub-directories

    • cache

    • config

    • data

    • output

Processing data:

  • copy the images that you want to analyze into the "speciesnet/data" directory

  • from the "speciesnet" directory launch the appropriate docker image in interactive mode

    • CPU:

      docker run --rm --gpus=all --shm-size 8G --net=host \
        -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -e USER=$USER \
        -v `pwd`:/workspace \
        -v `pwd`/cache:/.cache \
        -v `pwd`/config:/.config \
        -v `pwd`/cache:/.torch \
        -it waikatodatamining/speciesnet:4.0.1_cpu
    • CUDA:

      docker run --rm --gpus=all --shm-size 8G --net=host \
        -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -e USER=$USER \
        -v `pwd`:/workspace \
        -v `pwd`/cache:/.cache \
        -v `pwd`/config:/.config \
        -v `pwd`/cache:/.torch \
        -it waikatodatamining/speciesnet:4.0.1_cuda21.1
  • run the following script to process your images:

    speciesnet_run_model \
        --folders "/workspace/data" \
        --predictions_json "/workspace/output/predictions.json"

Or, if you want to run the individual steps separately:

speciesnet_run_model --detector_only \
    --folders "/workspace/data" \
    --predictions_json "/workspace/output/detections.json"
speciesnet_run_model --classifier_only \
    --folders "/workspace/data" \
    --detections_json "/workspace/output/detections.json" \
    --predictions_json "/workspace/output/classifications.json"
speciesnet_run_model --ensemble_only \
    --folders "/workspace/data" \
    --detections_json "/workspace/output/detections.json" \
    --classifications_json "/workspace/output/classifications.json" \
    --predictions_json "/workspace/output/predictions.json"

On your host system, the "speciesnet/output" directory will then contain the generated .json file(s), with "predictions.json" containing all the relevant information (classification and bbox).

For more information on the json output format:
